Hand sanitizers have been shown as an effective tool to combat infections due to harmful germs. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers help to deter the spread of germs and illness-causing bacteria, particularly in busy environments like schools and offices: Stop the Spread of Germs. Hand sanitizers can help in fighting germs but health authorities maintain traditional washing is still the best method amid the corona virus outbreak.


  • Stop the Spread of Germs: According to studies, 1 in 5 people don’t regularly wash their hands. Of those who do, 70% don’t use soap. Providing hand sanitizer in key areas (including bathrooms and kitchens) makes it more likely that people will use it to kill harmful bacteria.
  • Promote Good Hygiene and Health: A healthy building is a productive one. One study in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) found that encouraging the use of hand sanitizers in schools reduced absenteeism by almost 20%!
  • Reduce Waste: As an extra precaution, many people will use paper towels to open doors when leaving bathrooms or kitchens. Placing hand sanitizers near exits makes it easy for people to defend themselves from germs without needing to create additional mess.

It’s important you use hand sanitizer properly to ensure it does the job it’s meant to do – get rid of germs before they are able to spread, Hand sanitizers are not meant to clean your hands. They’re meant to disinfect Residue like oil or dirt will prevent hand sanitizers from penetrating down to your skin so Don’t Use Hand Sanitizer if Your Hands are Dirty.

Hand sanitizers are effective, It is observed that hand sanitizers clean your hands more effectively than soap and water, and it also reduces the bacterial burden. Researches have shown that when you clean your hands with a hand sanitizer, they tend to stay clean longer than if you were to clean them using soap and water. The hand sanitizer also prevents the transmission of bacteria from person to another. Sanitizer that contains between 60-95% alcohol. Also, when you use hand sanitizer, make sure you do so the right way. 

Especially during flu season, minimizing your exposure to other people’s germs is crucial for your health. When you take a moment to sanitize your hands a few times throughout the day, you reduce your chances of getting sick. Although once perceived as a skin irritant because of its alcohol content, many sanitizers are now available with moisturizers built in to prevent dryness.

If you don’t have access to soap and water, hand sanitizer is a good temporary stand-in. While it won’t make grubby hands feel fresh, a hand sanitizer with a high level of alcohol can effectively kill bacteria and viruses. Alcohol-free sanitizers may not work as well and the chemicals they use could irritate your skin even more than their alcohol-containing counterparts.